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10 Week Introductory Course

10 Week Introductory Course

Regular price £275.00
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In a relaxed group class setting, during ten weekly sessions, potter Edmund Davies will introduce you to the core skills of pottery, and give you each an introduction to wheel throwing. 

You will leave this course feeling confident in the fundamentals of hand built pottery, and with a couple of your own creations to treasure.

Tuesday Evenings, 6:30-9:00pm

To join please choose your preferred starting date from the options listed above, and once you have paid we will be in touch with more details. 


 Week 1 Introduction to clay preparation, a discussion on its material properties and clay types, followed by slab building using soft slabs of clay to make cylindrical forms and freeform slab plates: also adding slip, sgraffito and decorative texture 
Week 2

Making pinch pots, smaller handbuilt forms, followed by coil building larger pots. A cross cultural look at types of hand building used throughout the world, with different methods used for different contexts and forms 

Week 3 An introduction to throwing on the wheel, starting with cylinders
Week 4

Turning the bases of the thrown pots (trimming excess clay from the bases using the wheel as a lathe)  

Week 5 Continuing with throwing, moving on to bowl forms
Week 6 First week for a personal project, whether thats related to continuing exploring a particular technique or making a specific object 
Week 7 Second week for personal projects 
Week 8 Agate ware. Decoration which is in the clay itself, using different coloured clays layering marbling, and making more complex patterns
Week 9 A week to finish all the pots ready for firing, and an introduction to glazing some test pieces in anticipation of the final week of glazing 
Week OFF We skip a week to fire all your pots so they’re ready to glaze next week
Week 10 Glazing and overglaze oxide decoration 


Led by Edmund Davies, he is a studio potter who has spent the past 5 years teaching at various studios across London.

With a background in architecture, his work takes inspiration from modernist forms and utilitarian shapes, whilst paying homage to the artistic values of 20th century studio pottery.

In his classes there will be a light-hearted but focused atmosphere, emphasizing the importance in learning the fundamental skills of pottery, and the greater importance of challenging and experimenting with its traditions.


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